Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Distractions. Sometimes the best blessings are simply distractions. Distractions that keep you from thinking about the what ifs? and the how will I's? While the distractions keep you busy those questions take care of themselves. Most of the time I find the distractions actually help to answer the questions and calm the fears and erase the worries that would otherwise be front and center completely paralyzing you keeping you from doing anything. So today I am thankful for distractions.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Well I have been absent for a couple of days due to Hurricane Ike So I will do a list of blessings from the past few days...

the tree that is in front of my balcolny didn't fall into my apartment or onto my car.

the tree didn't drop any major branches at all.

the branches it did drop didn't hurt anyones car or person.

the trees behind and in front of my building didn't fall, snap off or lose any big branches onto or into anything or anyone.

the people I care about are safe and mostly their homes appear to be as well.

While the power was out for over 36 hours I now have power again.

While internet service may be a bit rough I have internet service.

I learned many things to make the next time ( please no next time) better/more comfortable

I meet my neighbors

Friday, September 12, 2008

Missed yesterday due to Hurricane preparations but I am doing yesterday right now and will hopefully do today's a bit later.
today's blessing came in the form of a little one year old and her parents. They were evacuating from the southern part of the state and came to visit and then stay the night. I was so grateful for them. It really is nice to have visitors and friends. AND they brought me my fall garden. What blessing that was. I had been looking into what i could plant for a container garden this season and they offered me their leftovers. So I have lettuce, broccoli, tomato, and (I think) cabbage plants. So as long as Ike doesn't kill them this weekend I have a small veggie garden.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

blessings of summer...

OK I don't care what the date says it is STILL Wednesday, Sept 10! ( ok so I am posting barely after midnight but come on give me credit)
Blessing of the day...Fruit! I love fruit and today had a very yummy peach. Kind of ironic yesterday I was excited for fall (or Halloween) for the peanut butter kisses and today I am happy for summer and fruit of that season!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Peanut Butter Kisses

Peanut Butter Kisses! I love fall! actually I love the Halloween season cuz you can get Peanut Butter Kisses! You can't get them any other time sigh! so I am enjoying them while I can. OF course only one or two (bags, no I joke!) a day But I love them. SO my blessing of the day is PEANUT BUTTER KISSES!

Monday, September 8, 2008


I must get better at blogging. I started this one to daily record the little blessings in my life...key word there...DAILY. I have been lucky lately to do so monthly! Oops! SO I go back to my original premise even if it is just a line or two a daily recording of the good things that happen in my life.
Today, well lately, the blessing in my life has been the re-appearance of the courage to be. Just be the unique normal one that I am. It had gone away for a while and trying to fit in a mold that just isn't you is not only frustrating but painful too. So I am blessed of late to have returned to the courage it takes to be oneself. i am so glad it came back from where ever it went to I missed it greatly. So taking that courage I am off to the movies alone cause dang it I want to clone wars! Later.