Sunday, February 10, 2008

simple things can be deep

You know one of the blessings of me doing this blog has been that I look more on the bright side of things now in searching for the blessings in my life to put here but there are times like today when doing that just makes me feel like Pollyana playing the glad game. You know kind of superficial, like I am just skimming the surface of things. But the blessing of this blog to me is that isn't what is truly going on. The things I write about may at times seem to be surface only but in reality they are deeper than most of my deep thoughts could ever dream of being. I mean, think about it they get me thinking more about Heavenly Father and what He has done and can and will do for us. What is or can be deeper than contemplating God?
That disclaimer stated what is my blessing for today? First of all "today" is Saturday not Sunday that pointed out...the blessing is thatwhile all of at work had long days 12+ hours for most I didn't fall into the disgruntled complainer that was surrounding me at the end...for the most part I keep a good attitude and just did my job with speed and a happy disposition.

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